Altronic Bi-Fuel FAQ's
1. Will My Engine Have to be Modified to Operate on the GTI Bi-Fuel® System? No. The GTI conversion hardware is mounted externally on the engine, can be installed “in the field” and does not require modification of any critical engine component, parameter or control system.
2. How Quickly Does the System Pay for Itself? In Prime Power operation, the system can pay for itself within a short period of operation hours due to the greatly reduced consumption of diesel fuel. For standby service, the system sees financial benefits in a reduced need for diesel fuel storage and reduced need for diesel conditioning/cleaning services with the smaller tank requirement.
3. Why is a CARB Certified Bi-Fuel System Beneficial? The Altronic GTI Bi-Fuel System is the only aftermarket system that is CARB certified for use in California or under EPA requirements. This certification allows use in the CARB mobile equipment program and is recognized nationwide by the EPA and individual air districts.
4. What Kind of Warranty Comes with the System? In addition to carrying a warranty on system components, Altronic also includes a warranty on new engine installations that covers the engine for any damage that were to occur as a result of Bi-Fuel. Many OEM dealers have partnered with Diesel2Gas to install Altronic Bi-Fuel on new installations. The CARB certified package includes an extended warranty that covers the components as well as the engine, new or existing for up to 5 years. Take note that Altronic has never had a warranty claim for engine damage due to the strict safety margins that are followed by our technicians.
5. Will the System Affect my Engine Warranty? Most OEM engine warranty programs do not prohibit the use of aftermarket parts or technologies. In brief, the policy of OEMs is that they neither recommend nor endorse after-market technologies; however, the use of these products does not automatically void the validity of the engine warranty. If the cause is unrelated to Bi-Fuel®, the OEM’s have historically honored the warranty and repaired the engine. Diesel2Gas solutions will typically partner with OEMs for installation and servicing of the system.
6. Can the Engine Run on 100% Natural Gas? Bi-Fuel operation always requires a minimum of 30% diesel in the combustion chamber. The diesel provides the ignition source for the gas as well as top end lubrication for the engine components. While a natural gas engine will require lower compression ratios and hardened valve train components, a Bi-Fuel conversion requires no engine modifications.
7. Will My Engine Lose Power After Conversion to the GTI Bi-Fuel® System? No, engines converted to GTI Bi-Fuel® do not suffer any horsepower losses while operating in Bi-Fuel® mode. Because the system maintains the OEM compression ratio and does not incorporate an air-throttling device, peak horsepower and efficiency levels of the converted engine remain on par with 100% diesel operation. The diesel engine will maintain the same efficiency and block load performance.
8. Will My Engine Run Hotter on Bi-Fuel®? No, GTI Bi-Fuel® technology has been designed to maintain OEM specifications for all engine temperatures including engine coolant temperature, oil temperature, exhaust gas temperature and intake air temperature. The Bi-Fuel® System replaces diesel fuel normally consumed by the engine with an equivalent quantity of natural gas, relative to the heat value (BTU) of each fuel. As such, engine air-fuel ratios during Bi-Fuel® operation remain largely an “equivalent gallon” of natural gas is consumed resulting in similar engine fuel efficiencies. Note: 1 gallon #2 diesel = 139 scf natural gas based on #2 diesel hhv.
9. What Effect Will the GTI Bi-Fuel® System Have on the Durability of my Engine? Operation in Bi-Fuel® mode has no negative effects on engine wear rates and durability. Engine thermal loads are equivalent to 100% diesel operation, so no excess wear of combustion chamber components (pistons, rings, valves, injectors, etc.) occurs. In addition, many users of the GTI Bi-Fuel® System have reported positive benefits relative to engine wear including extended oil change intervals and extended time between overhauls. This is primarily the result of the cleaner burning characteristics of natural gas compared to diesel fuel.